Members of the Columbia Baptist Church were busy Sunday evening packing Operation Christmas Child shoebox gifts at their annual Christmas in July packing event. In total the group was able to pack 535 boxes which will now go to children and families in need all over the world. Pictured are: Caleb Johnson, Addie Bowman, Miles Bowman, Shelli Jenkins, Trey Burwash, Keller LaBarge, Tessa LaBarge, Jenny LaBarge, Chase Hutcheson, Olivia Jenkins, Bob Hutcheson, Jenna Speer, Tonya Speer, John Speer, Raelynn Johnson, Leigh Johnson, Damian Flores, Priyanka Flores, Ayana Flores, Aaron LaBarge, Mark Fudge, Kevin Jenkins and Randy Johnson. Photos by and not pictured Denise Fudge.

Members of the Columbia Baptist Church placed the finishing touches on their OCC boxes by marking boy or girl and the age on each box.

Kevin Jenkins, Chase Hutcheson and Damien Flores strategically placed items in their shoebox gifts at the Columbia Baptist Church Christmas in July packing event. The church has a goal of at least 1,000 boxes which they hope to reach in November. National Collection Week is November 18-25.

(Mark Fudge – Operation Christmas Child)